Friday, July 26, 2024

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ΓΕΝΟΚΤΟΝΙΕΣ – Οι “Νυρεμβέργες” που δεν έγιναν ποτέ!

Γενοκτονίες, σφαγές, βιασμοί, καταστροφή πολιτιστικών  θησαυρών. Τοποθετήσεις παγκόσμιων προσωπικοτήτων: Victor Hugo, William Gladstone, F.M. Dostoevsky, Georges Clemenceau, Winston Churchill. Γράφει ο Νικόλαος Λ. Μωραΐτης, Ph.D. Δεν υπάρχουν αρκετά δυνατές...

Open Letter of Greeks Abroad in the Face of Increasing Turkish Aggression

To: Dr. Kostas Vlasis, Deputy Minister of Greeks Abroad Cc: The President of Greece and the President of Cyprus The Prime Minister of Greece The Ministers of...

Letter to the Editor: “September 1955” article brought forth very significant details of a matter that has haunted both Hellenism and international relations...

Dear Editor: The very deeply informative "September 1955" article in the current September 2018 issue is well indicative why the Hellenic News of America has...

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