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Fact Sheet: U.S. – Greek Partnership

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 15, 2016   Fact Sheet: U.S. - Greek Partnership   The United States and Greece share a strong and...

China’s Growing Economic Role In Greece and Europe Could Create Security Problems For America

By Constance Baroudos, M.A. Lexington Institute China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative aims to develop a string of ports, logistics hubs and other infrastructure from Asia...


Revolution of the Mind Series Andreas C Chrysafis   Outside the entrance of the Military Academy in Ankara a plaque displays for everyone to see the following...

Souda Bay: NATO’s Military Gem in the Eastern Mediterranean

Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Lexington Institute Executive Summary The Middle East is afire, Russia is on the march and France, the United Kingdom, the United States and dozens...


Δρ. Νικόλαος Λ. Μωραιτης           Με τις επίκαιρες εξελίξεις στη Μέση Ανατολή, προδιαγράφεται μια νέα κατάσταση για το μέλλον, και για τους...

NATO Secretary General welcomes expansion of NATO deployment in the Aegean Sea

NATO took swift decisions to deploy ships to the Aegean Sea to support our Allies Greece and Turkey, as well as the EU's border...

The European Reassurance Initiative Is A Smart Response to Urgent Threats

By: Constance Baroudos Lexington Institute    As security threats increase in Europe, NATO must show it stands behind each of its members. President Barack Obama quadrupled funding...

Greece’s Place in the New Russian-NATO Cold War

October 19, 2015 By Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Moscow’s recent aggressive actions have resulted in General Joseph Dunford declaring Russia the greatest security threat to the United...

Greece Has A Long History of Defending the West

 by Constance Baroudos, M.A. Only five of 28 NATO members meet the alliance goal of dedicating two percent of gross domestic product to defense: the...

As Russia Increases Its Presence In Syria, Souda Bay Becomes More Important To NATO

The Eastern Mediterranean is in crisis. The focus of U.S. and NATO security concerns is moving inexorably westward from Iraq and eastern Syria as...

BEWARE, Mr. Tsipras, BEWARE!

By Dean C. Lomis, Ph.D. The people of Hellas have spoken and they have given their trust to the rhetoric and promises of SYRIZA, wondering...

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