Friday, July 26, 2024

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Hellenic Relief Foundation’s monthly food distribution provided 370 food packages

On September 3rd, the Hellenic Relief Foundation's monthly food distribution took place at their and their partner organization's headquarters in Athens. The distribution took place with...

HRF dedicates this month’s food distribution in memory of the late Chris Koutsis

On August 11th, days before the major religious holiday of the Virgin Mary, the Hellenic Relief Foundation's monthly food distribution took place at their...

Hellenic Relief is able to continue in their food distribution efforts in Greece despite COVID-19

With the proper coronavirus safety measures in place, as dictated by the Greek government, May's food distribution took place at the headquarters of the...

Hellenic Relief Foundation continues to feed vulnerable families in Greece during COVID-19 crisis

The coronavirus crisis is currently affecting the average way of life globally, not only personally, but across socioeconomic levels. Currently, Greece is under a...

STANLEY GERONDELIS John G. Thevos Fifth District Past District Governor 2014-2015 Testimonial Dinner Sunday, January 31, 2016 Hosted by Monroe...

STANLEY GERONDELIS John G. Thevos Fifth District Past District Governor 2014-2015  Stanley was born in Greece on the beautiful Island of Lesvos. At the age of 18...

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