Friday, July 26, 2024

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Turkish aggression

AHEPA condemns Turkey’s instigated aggression on Armenia

AHEPA Stands with Armenian American Community as Turkey Instigates Further Aggression in the Region   Supreme President George G. Horiates has issued the following statement: AHEPA stands...

Το Καστελόριζο αποτελεί το «κλειδί» για τη διχοτόμηση του Αιγαίου

Aπό τον Νικόλαο Λ. Μωραΐτη, Ph.D. Ανακήρυξη ΑΟΖ, Υφαλοκρηπίδας, οριοθέτηση συνόρων με Ευθείες γραμμές βάσης, διασφαλίζουν την εδαφική μας κυριαρχία.              ...

Ρ. Τ. Ερντογάν: Η κάθοδος προς την συντριβή άρχισε…

Σε όσους παρακολουθούν για ολόκληρες δεκαετίες την πορεία της σύγχρονης Τουρκικής Δημοκρατίας είναι ξεκάθαρο πως οι νέο-οθωμανικές φαντασιώσεις του ισλαμο-φασιστικού μείγματος που ελέγχει την...

AHEPA Condemns Turkey’s Latest Aggression, Calls for EU Sanctions

Supreme President George G. Horiates has issued the following statement: Turkey continues to demonstrate it is the root cause of instability and turmoil in the...

Maloney, Pallone, and Bilirakis Lead Bipartisan Condemnation of Reckless Turkish Actions in the Eastern Mediterranean

Representatives Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY), co-chair and co-founder of the Hellenic Caucus, Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) led a group of...

AHI Welcomes State Department’s High-Level Engagement with Greece and Cyprus

The American Hellenic Institute (AHI) welcomes recent high-level engagements made by key State Department officials with Greece and the Republic of Cyprus to discuss...

AHI Applauds Policymakers’ Aims to Address Turkey’s Action

The American Hellenic Institute (AHI) applauds U.S. policymakers for recent actions taken that aim to send a strong message to Turkey and hold it...

Menendez and Van Hollen express concern to Pompeo over Turkey’s provocative actions

  August 13, 2020 The Honorable Mike Pompeo Secretary of State U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20520   Dear Secretary Pompeo: In advance of your meeting with Greek...

Raptakis, Pappas and a group of Hellenic-American Elected Officials express strong support for People of Kastellorizo

Group decry provocative actions by Erdogan regime in threatening Greek island’s territorial sovereignty as set forth in Law of Sea treaty Led by Democrat Rhode...

Sen. Menendez commemorates 46th Anniversary of Turkey’s illegal invasion of Cyprus

Commemorating the July 20, 1974, Turkish Invasion of Cyprus and Celebrating U.S.-Cyprus Relations   Statement by Senator Bob Menendez   Thank you for inviting me to participate in...

Στο επίκεντρο οι σχέσεις Ελλάδας-Τουρκίας

Δημήτρης Αβαρλής , Correspondent in Athens, Greece   Βαρύ είναι το κλίμα στις ένοπλες δυνάμεις από τον θάνατο του σμηναγού Γιώργου Μαλταδώρου, μετά την πτώση του...

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