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GreeceCultureTen foreign universities express interest in opening branches in Greece, Pierrakakis says

Ten foreign universities express interest in opening branches in Greece, Pierrakakis says

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Ten serious foreign universities have expressed interest in opening branches in Greece, Minister of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, said on Sunday in an interview with Proto Thema, reiterating that “Greece cannot await the revision of Article 16 of the Constitution.”

Pierrakakis stated that “the government’s legislative initiative does not violate the Constitution,” and emphasized that “in Greece, public universities are the flagship of higher education.”

He also referred to the distinction between colleges “that operate legally, with decisions of the court of the European Union and provide their students with full professional rights.”
Moreover, the Minister of Education gave clarifications on the security conditions that will prevail in universities, claiming that “there has been progress compared to the past.”


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