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GreeceCultureWHEN THE OLYMPIC FLAME falls into the hands of Londoners' antics.

WHEN THE OLYMPIC FLAME falls into the hands of Londoners’ antics.

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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The purpose of Hellenism

After observing the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games in London, even the average Greek person has realized the superficiality of the culture and spirituality in the northern Europeans.  The internal core of the so-called (northern) “Europe” has appeared devoid of substantial cultural quality.

In contrast, the level of the cultural value of Hellenism from ancient times until today appears immense.  The Hellenic genius has successfully fused the cultural heritage of the “East” and the “West”. 

A deep knowledge of the history of the last two to three thousand years correlates well with the above observations.

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This is for us an occasion to realize that the Greeks carry a great and valuable cultural load (which we take for granted). This extraordinary culture is perpetuated, passed like a baton in our “souls”.  Such level of civilization, such fiery heat, cannot be extinguished.  It continues to be bright and it still lives in the Greek soul for the benefit of the World.

Let us count and appreciate our exceptional gifts and let us energize them for the good of all mankind. The acquisition of a great gift demands respective responsibilities for its management. It appears that one of the Laws of this Life is that the bigger the gift the bigger the suffering for the gift bearer. And it is evident that Humanity exists for the “Whole” and not for the “Unit” (the “self”).

Creativity and production of high culture implies sacrifice and suffering of the soul. That is why the Greek people are constantly under attacks and hardships. In spite of this, the Greek people have learned to pay the price with courage and with a smile on their face.  For they have, at least subconsciously, understood and accepted the secret Laws of Life.

It seems that in this world, the main purpose of Hellenism is to produce and export superior culture.



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