By: Chris Pappis                                   


In a live, visual and audio connection, a number of prominent AHEPANS gathered from various regional locations to fill the communication void AHEPA Chapters are currently facing due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It was also an opportunity for them to voice opinions as to how to better preserve AHEPA’s future. 

The GoToMeeting conference, was chaired, authored and developed by Regional Supreme Governor Thomas Dushas, who moderated the discussion, among panelists, that included New York State District 6 AHEPA Governor Lou Katsos, Garden State AHEPA District 5 Governor Steve Marmarou, Past District 5 Garden State Governor Zenon Christodoulou and Vice Chairman of New Rochelle AHEPA Chapter 405, who is also a member of the Supreme Presidents Membership Committee, James Zafiros. In addition, about 52 regional AHEPANS, tuned in and listened to the panelists. At the end of the panelist’s presentation, they responded to questions from the audience who were tuning in as listeners. Also tuning in, but not a panelist, was Supreme President George Horiates. The entire production was equivalent to a Town Hall Meeting.  

It should be noted, the connection was most sophisticated, providing transmission of full motion video images and high-quality audio between all participants from multiple locations. All agreed, as communications continue to evolve, the internet and go-to conferences are quickly becoming the preferred choice of organizations to stay in touch with their members, especially now. 

It was a very productive and inspiring opportunity to hear from these distinguished panelists whose voices covered a wide range of issues with considerable and opportunistic thoughts, especially in the presence of the Supreme President. I urge all of you to watch the entire conference. Certainly, everyone’s voice and thoughts are important. Comments are appreciated. 

At the end of the conference, all panelists thanked Supreme Governor Tom Dushas and District 6 Secretary, Chris Pappis for his technical assistance, for their collective – creative approach in producing the event.