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GreeceEconomou: If Erdogan seeks a meeting, Greece will assess this and respond...

Economou: If Erdogan seeks a meeting, Greece will assess this and respond positively

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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If Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is the one ramping up tensions, seeks a meeting, then the Greek side will assess this and respond positively,” stated government spokesperson Yiannis Economou during Monday’s press briefing, commenting on the possibility of a meeting between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Erdogan in Prague.
Asked about the agenda of such a meeting, Economou said that it is too early to say anything.

He said that the Greek prime minister always responsibly briefs Greece’s allies and partners on matters relating to Turkish provocativeness, “which has taken on outrageous characteristics”.

He also underlined that Greece has international law and its allies on its side and more than adequate deterrent force.


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