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GreeceCultureSt. Sophia Church--Jefersonville, PA

St. Sophia Church–Jefersonville, PA

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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We are thrilled to invite you to join us for an exciting and spiritually uplifting experience during the weekend of March 10th – 11th at the St. Sophia Church.

On Saturday, March 10th at 1:00 pm we will unveil the magnificent iconography in our new church that has been completed by world renowned iconographer Dr. Georgios Kordis and his talented team of iconographers from Greece. Last weekend, over 300 people joined us for the lecture and demonstration by Dr. Kordis, as well as a tour of the “in progress” iconography. This event will be even more exciting as the work will be fully completed and all scaffolding removed. In addition, we will be auctioning the beautiful icon that Dr. Kordis painted during his demonstration last Sunday.

Please meet in the church hall at 1:00 pm for a brief program prior to going to the new church for the official unveiling. A Lenten reception will follow the unveiling. Dr. Kordis will be available during the reception to greet well wishers and to sign his latest book (we ordered more as we sold out quickly at the lecture and demonstration last weekend).

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On Sunday, March 11th at 12pm (following Divine Liturgy which begins at 10am) we will raise the crosses atop of the domes of our new 6th Century rooted Byzantine Church, designed by architect Christ J. Kamages AIA. The gold crosses will undoubtedly look stunning on top of our vibrant, copper colored domes. Fellowship and celebration in the Church Hall will follow.

With His continued blessings and the support of many friends from around the world, we continue to make tremendous progress towards completing construction and beautification of our new church temple. The miracle is happening! Come and See!

Plan to bring your family and friends to these historic events. All are welcome! We look forward to sharing this blessed weekend with you.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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