Sunday, October 27, 2024

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Freedom or Death: How Adamantios Koraes transformed Greek thought into the Greek Revolution of 1821

The clerical dilemma The Turkish conquest of Greece in 1453 was a calamity. The best Greeks left the country for Europe. Resistance to the occupiers...

Philip and Alexander Matter

The Persian wars The first golden age of Greek civilization was the aftermath of the Greek victory over the Persian Empire of kings Darius and...

Hellas Reborn

By Evaggelos Vallianatos, Ph.D.  The Greek Revolution In a few months, Greeks will celebrate the 200-year anniversary of their 1821 Revolution against the Turks. The decision to...

The Spiritual Beauty of Dion

By:  Catherine Tsounis. East Coast Correspondent  “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous”, - Aristotle Winter invokes memories of spring. This is...

Greece and Europe: In Or Out of the EU? By Christos C. Evangeliou Professor of...

Greece and Europe: In Or Out of the EU?   By Christos C. Evangeliou, Professor of Philosophy   The spectacle of a miserable Greece sinking in dept and begging the...

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