Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Constance Douris

5 Ways Electric Vehicles Can Help the Grid

By: Constance Douris, Contributor   A recent analysis from Bloomberg suggested electric vehicles could account for half of all new cars sold by 2040. An increase...

Cyber Assault On Electric Grid Could Make U.S. Feel Like Post-Hurricane Puerto Rico

By: Constance Douris, Contributor   If a mass power outage were to result from a successful cyberattack on the electric grid, national security and economic stability...

How To Charge Your Electric Vehicle (And Other Devices) When The Grid Is Down

By Constance Douris, Contributor The aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico has shown the devastating potential consequences of not having electricity for an extended period of...

Tesla Joins a Growing Trend: Electric Buses and Trucks

By Constance Douris, Contributor The Tesla Semi, an electric heavy-duty truck, was unveiled last week. Tesla plans to begin production in 2019, and two customers already are...

Who Should Pay for Electric Vehicle Chargers? Who Should Profit?

By: Constance Douris, Contributor Electric vehicles are unlikely to win broad market acceptance unless they can be charged quickly and easily anywhere in America. Chargers are...

The Bottom Line On Electric Cars: They’re Cheaper To Own

Constance Douris, CONTRIBUTOR   The price of electric vehicles is coming down, but they still look expensive compared with many gasoline-powered cars. That comparison, though, is misleading....

Cyber Threat Data Sharing Needs Refinement

Constance Douris Lexington Insitute   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Technologies are being interconnected and integrated onto the nation’s electric grid to decrease weaknesses. However, these physical and computerized elements multiply...

Balancing Smart Grid Data and Consumer Privacy

By: Constance Douris, Contributor Lexington Institute   Technologies on the electric grid allow for two-way communication and the transfer of data between utilities and customers. Information from...

Electricity Delivery Is An Open Target For Cyber Threats

By Constance Douris, VP, Lexington Institute   The electric grid often utilizes industrial control systems to automate generation, transmission and distribution. As utilities adopt digital technologies...

California Approves Pilot Program For More Reliable Electricity

By: Constance Douris, Lexington Institute Demand is increasing on the nation’s electric grid and electricity shortages, power quality problems, rolling blackouts and electricity price increases...

President Obama Supports Debt Relief for Greece

By: Constance Douris Greece has implemented financial reforms, and now it is time to restructure Athens’ debt to allow its struggling economy to grow. Sustainable debt...

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