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On the Road in Greece: June 17, 2018, A Black Day in Greece’s History

by Professor Catherine Tsounis, Contributing Editor “Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it,”  Winston Churchill. “With a signature, Prime Minister of Greece...

Εμφάνιση του Προέδρου στο κανάλι ΚΟΝΤΡΑ με τον Σπύρο Γκουτζάνη

Chris Spirou, co-founder of Hellenic American University. He served as the University’s first President, from 2004 through June 2012. Mr. Spirou currently serves as President...

Πόσο «εκμεταλλεύσιμο» θα μπορούσε να ήταν το δημοψήφισμα στα Σκόπια;

Κάρολος Γάδης     Αν και ακολουθώ κατά γράμμα τον κανόνα «να μην σχολιάζω ένα γεγονός ή μία κατάσταση όταν αυτά ευρίσκονται εν τω γίγνεσθαι», το χθεσινό...


CHRIS SPIROU   The Honorable Antonio Guterres United Nations Secretary General United Nations, New York, NY Manchester, New Hampshire Monday, March 12, 2018   Dear Secretary General Guterres, I am certain you are...

Νέα Επιστολή Κρις Σπύρου. Προς τον Γενικό Γραμματέα των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, Αντόνιο Γκουτέρες

CHRIS SPIROU ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ   Δευτέρα 12 Μαρτίου 2018 Μάντσεστερ, Νιού Χάμσαϊρ Αξιότιμο κ.κ. Antonio Guterres, Γενικό Γραμματέα των Ηνωμένων Εθνών Ηνωμένα Έθνη, Νέα Υόρκη, Νέα Υόρκη   Αγαπητέ Γενικέ Γραμματέα Γκουτέρες, Είμαι βέβαιος ότι...

How Does the Average Greek-American View the Renaming of FYROM as Macedonia in 2018?

By: Catherine Tsounis, Contributor The February 4, 2018 Athens rally opposing the SYRIZA government’s policy of allowing FYROM (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) call itself...

Stop the Betrayal of FYROM Name Issue

By Alex Aliferis Special to the Hellenic News of America   The SYRIZA-ANEL coalition is conditioning the Greek people to sell out on the FYROM name issue.   What...

Questionable Role of NATO in the Post-Cold-War Era

By: Christos C. Evangeliou, Professor of Philosophy Special to the Hellenic News of America   As a military alliance, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO came...

National Issues, National Security Issues, and the Lobby By Marcus A. Templar – November 19, 2016  

With the election to the Presidency of Donald Trump and the possible inclusion of Greek- Americans in the new Administration, new hopes and expectations...

Take Action Now! Sign the Petition to Reverse the Executive Order by the Bush Administration of 2004, Recognizing the Country of the “FYROM” as...

 Petition to Reverse the Executive Order by the Bush Administration of 2004, Recognizing the Country of the “FYROM” as “Republic of Macedonia    Petition The recognition of the...

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