Saturday, September 7, 2024

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Andrea needs our help to conquer cancer

My family needs your help!! A few months ago, we received devasting news that my sister, Andrea (Demetriou) Kalliaras, has a rare form of...

Turkey’s Long Persecution Against Pontian Christians

By Uzay Bulut In the Turkish city Trabzon, where few Christians are left, St. Maria Catholic Church has suffered its second attack this year. A...

 Germany, Greece and the New World Order By Thea Halo 

With the Greek crisis being played out before our eyes, Germany is being accused of a variety of draconian policies and taking a hard...

Σύννεφα πάνω από την Ελλάδα…

Ρίζου Βίκυ, Ιστορικός – αρθρογράφος Special to the Hellenic News of America 27 Ιουνίου 2015. Λίγο μετά τα μεσάνυχτα, ο  Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός, μετά την αποτυχία των...

Former German Chancelor Schmidt Calls for Cancellation of Greek Debt

ANI-MPA Interview June 19 (EIRNS)--The Greek semi-official press agency, ANA-MPA runs a 12-minute interview with former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who calls for the cancellation...

A legal view of Germany’s wartime occupation loan

By Nicholas G. Karambelas  The unlawful taking of property is considered ‘conversion,’ a civil wrong whose remedy is restitution, as opposed to reparations In some of...

Does Germany Owe Greece $95 Billion from WW II?

By Sven Felix Kellerhoff / Die Welt / Worldcrunch Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011 Images Nazi officers at the Acropolis of Athens in May 1941, one...

Uprooting or Healing Greece?

By Evaggelos Vallianatos   World War II poisoned Greece. The Germans smashed the country. They shot, hanged, and starved hundreds of thousands of Greeks. And before...

Greece: A New Birth of Freedom?  

By Professor Robert Zaller Special to the Hellenic News of America   The eyes of the world have been on Greece before. They were there at the Battle...

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