Monday, September 30, 2024

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Greek enterprises face increase in credit risk from green transition, Deloitte survey says

Greek enterprises face significant increase in credit risk from their transition towards the green economy, Deloitte Greece said in its "Transition risk exploratory impact...

Migration Min. Kairidis meets with Turkish Ambassador Erciyes: A historic opportunity in bilateral relations

Greece and Turkiye "must not miss a historic opportunity" in their relations, Migration and Asylum Minister Dimitris Kairidis said on Tuesday at a meeting...

Four CL-415 aircraft from Italy and France arriving in Greece to help fight fires

Water-dropping firefighting airplanes are expected to arrive from Italy and France to Greece within the day, to help fight fires in the country, a...

Large fires at Dervenochoria, Loutraki still spreading, Fire Brigade says

The wildfire at Dervenochoria north of Elefsina is rapidly spreading, Fire Brigade's spokesperson Fire Colonel Vassilis Vathrakogiannis said at a briefing on Tuesday evening,...

Hotel arrivals and overnight stays up 74.4% and 79.7%, respectively, in 2022

Hotel arrivals grew 74.4% in 2022 compared with the previous year, while overnight stays grew 79.7%, Hellenic Statistical Authority said in a report on...

Η ενέργεια η αναγέννηση των ναυπηγείων Ελευσίνας και η καινοτομία κυριάρχησαν στο φετινό συνέδριο του Economist στη Νέα Υόρκη.

Του Φ. Καλιαμπάκου Ο «θόρυβος» των τουρκικών μαχητικών, το θέμα των οποίων κυριάρχησε στην αρχή του συνεδρίου, και στο οποίο αναφερθήκαμε διεξοδικά από τις στήλες...

«Αερομαχίες» εντός αλλά και εκτός του φετινού συνεδρίου του Economist για τα τουρκικά F-16

Του Φ. Καλιαμπάκου Η διεξαγωγή του φετινού συνεδρίου του Economist στη Νέα Υόρκη, συνέπεσε με την επαναφορά στην επικαιρότητα του θέματος της έγκρισης από την...

Το Ενιαίο Κέντρο Ανακούφισης: Προγράμμα Μηνιαίας Διανομής για Ευάλωτες Οικογένειες

Την Πέμπτη 13 Ιουλίου σηματοδοτήθηκε η έναρξη του τακτικού μηνιαίου προγράμματος διανομής, το οποίο κατέστη δυνατό με την υποστήριξη του HELLENIC RELIEF FOUNDATION (HRF)....

Chatting with Dr. Nicholas Tzikas: Clinical Neurology Professor at Yale School of Medicine

By: Markos Papadatos, Senior Editor Dr. Nicholas Tzikas is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology at Yale School of Medicine. He chatted with HNA's Markos...

Hackensack Meridian JFK University Medical Center Thoracic Surgeons Perform the First Robotic Resection Surgery for Malignant Thymoma with Intraoperative Installation of Heated Chemotherapy

Surgeons in the Division of Thoracic Surgery at JFK University Medical Center first in the State of New Jersey to perform this surgery Surgeons affiliated...

Memories of Greece: Chrisanthi of Grand Chalet Restaurant, Tripoli

By Catherine Tsounis “In hospitality, the chief thing is good will,” says a Greek proverb. Hospitality came from the Gods, according to the Ancient Greeks....

Commander Demetries Grimes, USN (Ret.), Announces Withdrawal from Florida House District 35 Special Election Race

ORLANDO, FLORIDA - After serious consideration and numerous discussions with family, friends, and advisers, Commander Demetries Grimes, USN (Ret.), a combat-decorated former naval aviator,...

The PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation hosts yet another successful Awards Ceremony & Gala on Saturday, June 17th, 2023 at the Hilton in Chicago, Illinois.

The PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation was proud to successfully welcome over 660 guests to Chicago to recognize 51 exceptional scholarship recipients of Hellenic descent, while...

ΑΠΘ: Εικονικά «δωμάτια απόδρασης» βοηθούν εταιρείες να κάνουν πιο εύστοχες προσλήψεις

Δεκάδες χιλιάδες ευρώ υπολογίζεται ότι χάνουν ετησίως οι εργοδότες και στην Ελλάδα, κάθε φορά που κάνουν μια κακή πρόσληψη. Για την ακρίβεια, όταν προσλαμβάνεται...

PM Mitsotakis in Brussels being updated on firefighting efforts in Greece

The state apparatus "is doing its best to respond to the wildfires as fast as is feasible and to contain damage to properties," said...

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