Marcus A. Templar
Barking up the Wrong Tree
By Marcus A. Templar, Contributing Editor
In a recent fraudulent press release dated October 26, 2019, the World Macedonian Congress (WMC) and its accolades...
National Issues, National Security Issues, and the Lobby By Marcus A. Templar – November 19, 2016
With the election to the Presidency of Donald Trump and the possible inclusion of Greek- Americans in the new Administration, new hopes and expectations...
Your Statement on Greek and Balkan history
June 14, 2015
Dear Hon. MacTiernan,
Subject: Your Statement on Greek and Balkan history
I am writing this letter in opposition to your views and comments you...
In the Name of Collective Turkish consciousness By Marcus A. Templar
In the Name of Collective Turkish Consciousness
By Marcus A. Templar
On April 24 of this year, the Turkish government and, strangely enough the Australian...