Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Vasilopita cutting in Greece, Hosted by the Daughters of Penelope (DOP), inspires Philanthropy

By Elena Saviolakis WASHINGTON, DC – The Daughters of Penelope (DOP), a leading international service organization comprised of women of Hellenic heritage and Philhellenes, had...

AHEPA Spreads Christmas Cheer at St. Basil’s

By Dean Moskos, District 6 Lt. Governor The AHEPA Family has a longstanding tradition of spreading Christmas cheer to the children of Saint Basil Academy...

“Cultural Diplomacy – The Contribution of Diaspora” web conference organized by AHEPA PATRAS HJ – 25

The contribution of the Hellenic Diaspora in the forging of bilateral cultural relations between Greece and third countries is the key issue of the...

Το Play-Calling του Γιάννη Αντετοκούνμπο, για άμυνα κατά του COVID-19, στο «Γήπεδο της Ζωής»

Special to the Hellenic News of America Η ελληνική κυβέρνηση παρουσίασε άλλη μια εκστρατεία ευαισθητοποίησης κατά του Covid-19 πάνω στην ώρα για τη φετινή περιορισμένη...

Giannis Antetokounmpo’s play-calling, for defense against COVID-19, in our “court” known as life

Special to the Hellenic News of America The Greek government launched its latest awareness campaign against Covid-19 just in time for this year’s restricted and...

Ελλάδα: 1821-2021, Δύο αιώνες ελεύθερης ζωής, γιομάτοι προκλήσεις, επιτυχίες και αποτυχίες

* του Θωμά Σάρα Για τέσσερις ολόκληρους αιώνες το έθνος γνώρισε το ναδίρ της εθνικής του αναξιοπρέπειας. Έζησε χρόνους ανομολόγητους και έχασε κάθε έννοια αξιοπρέπειας...

DOP, Maids of Athena, and Philoptochos of Albany organize bake sale and book drive for children

By: Maria Neal                                           ...

Το εσωτερικό μέτωπο της Τουρκίας

Καθώς πολλές και σημαντικές ενδείξεις οδηγούν πλέον στο συμπέρασμα πως η εποχή Ερντογάν στην Τουρκία έχει αρχίσει την κάθοδο προς την συντριβή, είναι χρήσιμο...

Catching up with Mark Grossman of ‘The Young and The Restless’

Emmy-nominated actor Mark Grossman chatted with HNAl's Markos Papadatos about playing Adam Newman on "The Young and The Restless." Grossman plays the role of Adam...

Greek civilization treasures are not for export or sale

By Dr. Evaggelos Vallianatos   In early December 2020, the Greek parliament approved a law for the export of antiquities, including entire museum collections, to foreign...

Daughters Top Command in Bingo Extravaganza

By Chris Pappis, AHEPA D6 Secretary Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Daughters of Penelope Narcissus Chapter 289 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL!! Our Christmas...

Primerus Webinar Series: Doing Business in Greece & Cyprus

Welcome to the Primerus Webinar Series. As we navigate these new waters together without in-person meetings, we want to do all we can to...

Op-Ed: Election lessons

Prof. Aris Michopoulos, HCHC The Good Lord blessed me with many friends: some Democrats and some Republicans. And since by nature I am not a...

Greece’s seasons in 2020: Winter, lockdown 1, summer, lockdown 2

Undoubtedly the year 2020 is one of those years that no one will ever forget as it was defined by a pandemic that shifted...

Whitestone AHEPA Chapter 495 Moves Forward

By Theodore Stamas                                            ...

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