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Order of AHEPA

Ted Karras earns Harry Agganis Most Outstanding Athlete award, carries on family legacy

The Karras name is a storied one in the NFL. Ted Karras III follows the path of a career in football set forth by his...

Port Jefferson AHEPA Chapter 319 Donates Masks and Gloves to Church Community 

By: Bobby Gemelas, AHEPA D6 Director of Tech & Social Media It’s a proud day for AHEPA Chapter 319 of Port Jefferson. Even though these...

AHEPA’s Largest District Meets Virtually 

By:  Chris Pappis, AHEPA District 6 Secretary                           On Thursday, April 9 the AHEPA District 6...

Syracuse AHEPA Chapter 37 Increases 2019 Membership by 63%

Syracuse AHEPA Chapter 37 held an initiation ceremony at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church in Syracuse, NY on October 19, 2019. The chapter achieved...

Update from AHEPA HQ: AHEPA stands against Turkey

October 18, 2019 AHEPA Global Headquarters, Washington, DC  Supreme President of the Order of AHEPA, George G. Horiates, representing the largest and oldest grassroots community...

 New York, District 6, Recognized as AHEPA’s top National District

— District 6, frequently described as the Empire State, was awarded the nation’s top AHEPA District at last week’s National Convention in Atlantic...

AHEPA, AHI Host Dinner in Honor of Prime Minister Tsipras’ U.S. Visit

The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (Order of AHEPA) and the American Hellenic Institute (AHI) hosted a dinner in honor of Greek Prime Minister...

A message from Dr. Zenon Christodoulou Governor, District 5, Order of AHEPA

The memories of September 11th will always be with us. Time will not eliminate the sorrow. Words will not soothe the anguish. Wisdom will...

”AMERICA’S NOBLEST TRADITION” Welcoming Refugees to Our Shores By Mr. Chris George

”AMERICA’S NOBLEST TRADITION” Welcoming Refugees to Our Shores By Mr. Chris George (a Greek American) , the Executive Director of IRIS (Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services),...

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