The Greek Children's Fund (GCF) proudly recognizes Sam Matthews, Esq. as its esteemed President for the past four years. With an impressive tenure spanning...
“Sustaining Growth & Investment Momentum”
19 Sessions – 71 Top Level Speakers
An International Summit about the Greek Economy & Investment Opportunities
Featuring top US and International...
Hermes Expo will welcome vendors from across America and Greece
By Aphrodite Kotrotsios
Old Bridge, NJ – The 2022 Hermes Expo is excited to announce that...
By James Krikelis Petkovits
Serving as a unifying force for Hellenism in America by chronicling the history of the community since 1987.
On the evening of Sunday,...
By James Krikelis, Special to the Hellenic News of America
There are many factors such as location, quality of food, and adequate financing, which determine...
By Demetrios Giannaros, Ph.D. in Economics
Special to the Hellenic News of America
In the past few quarterly and monthly economic reports, the US, Greece, and...
By Demetrios Giannaros, PhD in Economics
In the past few quarterly and monthly economic reports, the US, Greece, and other European countries announced a substantial...
Special to the Hellenic News of America
Stella Bompotsiari, founder and owner of The Greek Online School was surprised to discover how much Greek Americans...
By Dr. John M. Paitakes, Professor Emeritus, Seton Hall University
Special to the Hellenic News of America
During the pandemic, the public has labeled many workers...
Transaction supports both companies' strategic growth initiatives
Grecian Delight | Kronos Foods (a World Food Holdings company) announced that it sold its distribution business for...