In December 2019, the Greek parliament passed a historic legislation giving Greek expatriates the right to vote from abroad. In January 2024, Parliament adopted new legislation, giving Greeks abroad the right to cast their ballots by postal vote in European Parliament elections and national referenda, provided they are registered in the electoral register of Greece. For the first time, on June 9th, 2024, Greek citizens who reside abroad, as well as those who happen to be out of the country but still wish to vote, will have the right to participate in the European Parliament elections by postal vote.
There are no conditions for Greek citizens to cast their ballot by postal vote, except for their obligation to register on the online platform The platform began operating on February 19th and will remain open for registration until April 29th. Consequently, those who wish to vote by postal vote in the European Parliament elections on June 9th must register by April 29th. Those who need help registering at the platform, may call 24/7 at +30 210 626 6222 or may contact their local Greek Consular Authorities.
It should be noted that Greek citizens abroad can exercise their right to vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections exclusively through postal voting, as there will be no polling stations outside of Greece.
For more information about postal voting, please visit the website of the Greek Ministry of Interior here
On another front, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the Strategic Plan for Diaspora Greeks. The Plan outlines the vision, strategic objectives and initiatives to further strengthen ties of the Greek Diaspora with the homeland. Consultation of the Plan will help shape a comprehensive, coherent and modern policy framework.