Saturday, October 19, 2024

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Greek Community

Συλλυπητήριο μήνυμα Οικ. Μαλεβίτη για τον απώλεια του Θ.Γ.Σπυρόπουλου

Αγαπητοί μας Έρικα, Μαριάνα και Παύλο, Συμμετέχοντας στο βαρύ πένθος Σας για τον τόσο ξαφνικό και πρόωρο θάνατο του πολύ αγαπητού μας φίλου,Σας εκφράζουμε τα...

Ο Πρόεδρος των Δρυμοτών για την απώλεια του Θόδωρου Γ. Σπυρόπουλου

Το θλιβερότατο μήνυμα της απώλειας του σεβαστού μας εκλεκτού συμπατριώτη από τον Δρυμό,που κυριολεκτικά τον λάτρευε, Θόδωρου Γ. Σπυρόπουλου, έφτασε σε μας και μας...


His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Church of America will issue an Encyclical on behalf of the Holy Eparchial Synod designatingOctober 26,...

Taverna Night – Saturday, October 4th  

The St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church of Perth Amboy, NJ is very excited to host our first-ever Taverna Night on Saturday, October 4th which...

2014 Hermes Expo Aided Thalassemia Awareness

By Catherine Tsounis Thalassemia originated in the Mediterranean region. It is a disorder caused by the weakening and destruction of red blood cells, caused by...

AHI Founder Hosted For Book Presentation By American Hellenic Council

WASHINGTON, DC — The American Hellenic Council hosted American Hellenic Institute (AHI) Founder Eugene T. Rossides for a presentation on his newly-released book "Kissinger & Cyprus: A...

American Association for Cancer Research CEO Margaret Foti to Receive Ellen V. Sigal Advocacy Leadership Award

PHILADELPHIA — Margaret Foti, PhD, MD (hc), chief executive officer of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), will receive the Ellen V. Sigal...

An Albanian Mission Team Experience (Part 1)

by David Dinsmore I recently had the pleasure of traveling on a mission trip sponsored by the Orthodox Christian Mission Center. The purpose of this...

Florida’s House Delegation Split on Supporting President Obama’s Call to Arm Syrian Rebels Senate Confirms Next U.S. Ambassador to Turkey; Vote on Nominees...

September 19, 2014 By Taniel Koushakjian FLArmenians Managing Editor This week, the House and Senate considered measures concerning the Armenian American community. Congress was expected to pass...

Clymer Delays Hearings on PA Academic Standards Process at Request of Acting Secretary Dumaresq

HARRISBURG – Following assurances today by Acting Secretary of Education Carolyn Dumaresq in a letter to Rep. Paul Clymer (R-Bucks), chairman of the House...

Stavros Niarchos Foundation gives €1m grant for Chatham House Academy Fellowship

Chatham House is pleased to announce the establishment of a permanently endowed Fellowship in its Academy for Leadership in International Affairs, named in recognition...

To: Presidents and Delegates of Federations of the Hellenic American National Council

September 12th, 2014 Dear fellow Presidents and Delegates, During the last few years’ developments in Greece, the United States and across the globe have been rapid....

Interview with Jeff Timmons from 98 Degrees: ‘That Girl’

By: Markos Papadatos Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Jeff Timmons, best known as the founding member of the Grammy-nominated pop group 98 Degrees, is back with...

Washington Times, The Washington Post Publish AHI Editorial Submissions

WASHINGTON, DC — Two prominent newspapers each published editorial submissions authored by American Hellenic Institute (AHI) President Nick Larigakis in September. First, The Washington Times published Larigakis’ Letter...

Θ. Γ. ΣΠΥΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: «Τα κοινά δεν είναι πεδίο κοινωνικής καταξίωσης αλλά πεδίο συνεισφοράς στην κοινωνία και τον άνθρωπο»

Της Νάνσυ Μπίσκα Ο Θ. Γ. Σπυρόπουλος, π. Συντονιστής Σ.Α.Ε. Περιφέρειας Η.Π.Α., στη συνέντευξή του στα «Ελληνικά Νέα της Αμερικής» εκφράζει τους προβληματισμούς που όλοι...

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