In an interview on Saturday, government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis spoke to SKAI television about various topics, including the recent European People’s Party conference, the passing of legislation for non-state universities and the rise in maternity benefits and the minimum wage.
Marinakis emphasized Greece’s prominent role at the European People’s Party conference, stating that as Greece grows stronger, the benefits will return to taxpayers and positively impact citizens. He affirmed Greece’s commitment to continued growth and the improvement of citizens’ income.
Regarding economic measures, Marinakis mentioned the planned increase in the minimum wage, aiming for it to reach 950euros by the end of the current four-year term, with an average wage target of 1500euros.
When questioned about the next steps for the non-state university legislation, Marinakis underscored the commencement of its implementation with stringent regulations. He highlighted the social implications of the law, noting that it offers flexibility for students who may opt for private education options, thereby potentially reducing the need for expensive overseas studies. Marinakis also highlighted the potential economic impact, including job creation, with an anticipated return of Greek students from abroad.