aegean sea
Biden or Trump: Does it make a difference for U.S. Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean?
Letter from the American Hellenic institute's President, Nick Larigakis
October 12, 2020
Well, here we are again. Four more years have passed, and the entire nation...
WWBT is trying to positively impact the lives of refugees on Lesvos
When We Band Together' (WWBT), is a non-profit organization providing positive and safe places for displaced people stuck at the Moria refugee camp in...
Νικόλαος Λ. Μωραΐτης. Ph.D.
Μετά από τις αιφνίδιες διεκδικήσεις της Τουρκίας επί του Αιγαίου γεννάται το εξής ερώτημα: Σε ποιόν ανήκει το Αιγαίο;
Φυσικά, αν ακολουθήσουμε...
AHEPA and Hellenic Bar Association of CT Briefed by AHI on Greece-USA Relations
New Haven Chapter #98 of the Order of AHEPA and the Hellenic Bar Association of Connecticut sponsored and hosted a timely presentation by Nick...
Στο επίκεντρο οι σχέσεις Ελλάδας-Τουρκίας
Δημήτρης Αβαρλής , Correspondent in Athens, Greece
Βαρύ είναι το κλίμα στις ένοπλες δυνάμεις από τον θάνατο του σμηναγού Γιώργου Μαλταδώρου, μετά την πτώση του...
NATO Secretary General welcomes expansion of NATO deployment in the Aegean Sea
NATO took swift decisions to deploy ships to the Aegean Sea to support our Allies Greece and Turkey, as well as the EU's border...
The Spiritual Beauty of Dion
By: Catherine Tsounis. East Coast Correspondent
“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous”, - Aristotle
Winter invokes memories of spring. This is...