Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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greek history

Bicentennial Events Highlight Role of World Diaspora in Greek Independence

The Greek revolutionary war for independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1821 was obviously momentous for Greece. Few realize, though, the impact the Greek Revolution...

On The Road to Constantinople: Repairs of Hagia Sophia Dome by 10th Century Armenian Architect

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them,” by Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaulti de Galilei, an Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer.1 Hagia Sophia...

Congressional candidate Chris Zannetos condemns Turkey’s move to re-convert Hagia Sophia

I strongly condemn the Turkish government’s decision to re-convert Hagia Sophia, believed to be the world’s oldest house of religion, into a mosque. Designated by...

Congressman Bilirakis Condemns Erdogan’s Actions

Today, Congressman Gus Bilirakis released the following statement:  "As Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on International Religious Freedom and an Orthodox Christian,  I condemn...

Memories of the Road to Constantinople: Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

“Today we view Hagia Sophia as an architectural achievement withstanding earthquakes. Famous for its dome. It is the masterpiece of Byzantine architecture,” said attorney...


Tου Δρα. Ναπολέοντα θ. ΒΛΑΣΣΗ, Υπ/γου, Συντονιστή -Δ/ντή Διοίκησης Κολεγίου Ρόδου   Συμπληρώθηκαν  156 χρόνια από την 21η Μαΐου 1864, ημέρα της Ενσωμάτωσης των Επτανήσων. Αναμφισβήτητα...

In Byzantine Footsteps: Church St. Mary of Blachernae

By: Catherine Tsounis, Contributing Editor Visiting the historical Church of St. Mary of Blachernae or Panagia Blachernae Church in Constantinople (Istanbul) known to Greeks made...

On the Road in Greece: The Arcadian Gate

By Ctherine Tousnis, The 2500-year anniversary since the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC began in Athens on Wednesday, October 16,...

The Cursed Day: Eyewitness accounts of World War II atrocities against Greek civilians

WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 13, 2019) —  In December 1943, after months battling resistance fighters, Nazi units marched through the mountains of the Greek Peloponnese,...

On the Road in Greece: St. Demetrios Cathedral of Thessaloniki

By Catherine Tsounis “There was a historic St. Demetrios. His bones are here. There is historical proof,” explained attorney Panagiota Petropoulou during our recent Kapogiannis...

Barking up the Wrong Tree

By Marcus A. Templar, Contributing Editor   In a recent fraudulent press release dated October 26, 2019, the World Macedonian Congress (WMC) and its accolades...

Lecture on the World of Byzantine Princess Anna Comnena with Armenian Roots

“It is the mark of a bad general when all is peaceful, to incite his neighbors to war intentionally-for peace is the objective of...

Visit by a delegation from the U.S. Embassy in Greece and a representative of the Fulbright Foundation to The National and Kapodistrian University of...

  On Tuesday, November 5th, a delegation from the U.S. Embassy in Greece, including the Cultural Attaché, Ms. Jennifer Schueler, Cultural Affairs Specialists Ms. Marina...

Greek-American Doctor’s Research Tackles the Tough Armor of Pancreatic Cancer

By David Bjorkgren, Senior Editor Special to the Hellenic News   Dr. Despina Siolas has wanted to build an arsenal to fight cancer ever since her mother...

The Greek Genocide of 1914-1923

By Paul Pavlakos, Supreme President of the Sons of Pericles   With Oxi Day recently passed and with Turkey’s continued aggressions in the Eastern Mediterranean and...

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