Friday, October 18, 2024

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omogeneia newspaper

Πρώτος Ή Δεύτερος Γάμος Για Τον Έλληνα Γονέα;

Οι ομογενείς συχνά επικοινωνούν ή συναντώνται με δικηγόρο στην Ελλάδα για να λάβουν συμβουλή για διάφορα νομικά ζητήματα που τους απασχολούν. Εάν η υπόθεση...

St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine Announces Essay Contest Results

The Saint Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine Essay Program committee members reviewed the judges’ results for the 2020 essay competition.  Committee members Katherine Bacalis; Renee...

Dr. Michael Billys awarded AHEPAN of the Year from PA Power District #4

Brother Dr. Michael Billys of AHEPA Chapter #64 was awarded AHEPAN OF THE YEAR, the District’s highest honor, at the Pennsylvania State AHEPA District...

Greek-American organizations join together to deliver tons of food to needy Chicagoans

CHICAGO -- Chicago CRED is teaming with the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, the diocese of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Midwest, and the...

Greek-American Doctor’s Research Tackles the Tough Armor of Pancreatic Cancer

By David Bjorkgren, Senior Editor Special to the Hellenic News   Dr. Despina Siolas has wanted to build an arsenal to fight cancer ever since her mother...

Dr. Dean Lomis Honored for Hellenism

“Hellenism has been defined in many forms and can be traced anytime from the Homeric age, through the classical period, to modern times,” believes...

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