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GreeceTsipras: We want the message of political change to reach every part...

Tsipras: We want the message of political change to reach every part of the country

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras, while on tour in the town of Arta, on Friday urged all Greeks to turn out and vote in SYRIZA’s leadership elections on Sunday. “We want the message of political change, along with the message of hope, to reach every part of the country,” he said, adding that the goal was for “hope to return to the country”.

“We ask for justice to return to the country,” Tsipras said and noted that, while he was aware of the difficulties ahead, he was also aware that “with justice we can support the vulnerable, the middle class and the unprivileged.”

Tsipras gave a promise from Arta that “we will stand by you and will support the public coffers, to stop the plundering, the looting and the inequalities. We will manage because this country has potential and deserves better”.


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