Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Tsipras: We can create a better Europe for the future of its people

  I want to welcome a true friend of Greece and consistent supporter of the European idea, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday welcoming...

Rethinking Greece: Antonis Liakos on the need for progressive education reforms  

Antonis Liakos is a leading Greek historian, Professor Emeritus of Contemporary History and History of Historiography at the University of Athens and managing...

The Massacre of the Greeks of Phocaea, 12-13 June 1914

On the night of the 12th of June 1914, Turkish irregulars raided the town of Old Phocaea (Gr: Παλαιά Φώκαια) and began a pillage...

Secretary-General’s visit to Belgium, Russian Federation and Greece, 13-19 June

The Secretary-General will leave New York on Monday, 13 June, for Brussels, Belgium, to participate in the European Development Days organized by the European...

Greece and the Brexit by Professor Robert Zaller

    Here we are again. Once again, Greece is facing a default in July without an additional European Union bailout. Once again, large cuts in...

Greek Athena

By Evaggelos Vallianatos, Ph.D.   In the years 1987 and 1991, Martin Bernal, professor of government at Cornell University, published two hefty volumes of “Black Athena.” The...

“Anagennesis”. A Renaissance of the Hellenic Psyche Is Well Overdue.   By Marcus A. Templar, March 23, 2016

    It is common sense for a country (regardless of the political ideology of its people) to unite on issues of importance regarding national security...

Souda Bay: NATO’s Military Gem in the Eastern Mediterranean

Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Lexington Institute Executive Summary The Middle East is afire, Russia is on the march and France, the United Kingdom, the United States and dozens...

Is Plato relevant to America? By Evangelos Vallianatos

Athens and America  Evaggelos Vallianatos Scholar and author of several books, including , “Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA” (with McKay Jenkins) Plato...

Ο γίγαντας Σταμάτης Σπανουδάκης ξεφτίλησε τη Ρεπούση στο κατάμεστο Ηρώδειο

Στο Ηρώδειο, μετά από δύο χρόνια, επέστρεψε την Παρασκευή ο Σταμάτης Σπανουδάκης, αν και εκτός Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών, με μια μεγαλειώδη συναυλία με τίτλο «Χαίρε θάλασσα...

ISIS Is Getting Too Close To Europe, Time to Respond

Constance Baroudos, M.A. Lexington Institute The Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has increased its presence in Libya, a formerly wealthy oil state on the Mediterranean,...


Revolution of the Mind Series By: Andreas C Chrysafis Recently, the IMF EU -Troika team visited the occupied area of Cyprus to study and ascertain the...

Educational Reforms in Greece and report from Berkeley

By: Leonidas Petrakis, PhD Developments in Greece, including reforms, are of interest to the Diaspora. The current Government of Greece is pursuing wide ranging reforms...

The Honorable Terence Quick, Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister of Greece, Speaks at HANC Conference in Florida

Hellenic American National Council's National Conference is taking place February 26-28, 2016,  at the Pan Laconian Center in Clearwater, FL.  Over twelve federation presidents and representatives...

The European Reassurance Initiative Is A Smart Response to Urgent Threats

By: Constance Baroudos Lexington Institute    As security threats increase in Europe, NATO must show it stands behind each of its members. President Barack Obama quadrupled funding...

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