Friday, October 18, 2024

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Omogaeneia news

“No” To Deceptive Influences Faced by Greek Orthodox Christians

By Father Konstantinos Koutroubas, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church We just celebrated the feast of Pentecost, in which we commemorate the outpouring of the Holy...

“Όχι” Στις Παραπλανητικές Επιρροές Που Αντιμετωπίζουν οι Ελληνόρθοδοξοι Χριστιανοί

Tου Πατρός Κωνσταντίνου Κουτρούμπα   Μόλις γιορτάσαμε την εορτή της Πεντηκοστής, όταν γιορτάζουμε την επιφοίτηση του Αγίου Πνεύματος στους Αποστόλους και στην Εκκλησία. Όταν λέμε "Εκκλησία,"...

A National Shrine for the Ages

Beloved Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The rebuilding and indeed the resurrection of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World...

Enzo Zelocchi is the CEO of A-Medicare, en route to becoming the next generation Elon Musk

Actor and filmmaker Enzo Zelocchi chatted with HNA's Markos Papadatos about another venture of his, A-Medicare cryptocurrency, which has a focus on the medical...

Sarbanes Statement on Senate Democrats’ Unanimous Vote to Proceed on the For the People Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Democracy Reform Task Force Chair Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) released the following statement today after Senate Republicans blocked a motion to...

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine Holy Altar Takes Shape

The Holy Altar of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center has begun to take shape. Follow...

A Divided Greek Genocide Sows the Seeds of Greece’s Death Warrant as a Modern State

In Memory of the Greek Populations of Eastern Thrace, Asia Minor, and beyond! By Marcus A. Templar  More than 100 years ago, innocent Greeks were killed...

Greek-American Carie Karavas superb at headlining show at Governor’s Comedy Club

Acclaimed comedian Carie Karavas headlined Governor’s Comedy Club on the Patio in Levittown on Long Island. This marked one of her first live shows...

Electra Art exhibition happening in Naousa, Greece

In the Heroic city of Naousa, Greece, in the "Naias" hall at "Christos Lanaras" Cultural Facilities from 13 to 18 July, the solo art...

Το Συμβούλιο Ελληνίδων Αμερικανών Γυναικών επισκέπτεται τις Σπέτσες τον Ιούνιο του 2021 για τον τιμητικό εορτασμό των Ελληνίδων Ηρωίδων

Washington, DC.... Το Συμβούλιο Ελληνίδων Αμερικανών Γυναικών (HAWC) με υπερηφάνεια διοργανώνει εορταστική εκδήλωση για την επέτειο των διακοσίων χρόνων από την Ελληνική Ανεξαρτησια και...

AHEPA, PSEKA team up again on Varosha Illegal Reopening

On June 21, 2021, Supreme President George Horiates, along with many AHEPA members including Supreme Treasurer Savas Tsivicos and Chairman of the Board of...

Ο νόμος και ο… υπόνομος

Γράφει ο Δημήτρης Νατσιός – Μέλος του ΙΗΑ  Αρκεί να παρακολουθήσεις ή να διαβάσεις ένα δελτίο ειδήσεων στα αφηνιασμένα Μέσα Μαζικής Εκχαυνώσεως (ΜΜΕ) και να...

Remembering 200th Greek Revolution Anniversary: Missolonghi

Lord Gordon Byron died during the second siege of Missolonghi. The Ottomans with allies came back a 3rd time. The fighters knew all was lost...

Αύριο ίσως είναι πολύ αργά… 

Είχα τονίσει την περασμένη εβδομάδα ότι «πρέπει να αλλάξουμε μυαλά» για να σώσουμε τον ταλαίπωρο πλανήτη μας. Δύο τρεις μέρες αργότερα δημοσιεύτηκαν στοιχεία που...

Turkey’s Long Persecution Against Pontian Christians

By Uzay Bulut In the Turkish city Trabzon, where few Christians are left, St. Maria Catholic Church has suffered its second attack this year. A...

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