Monday, September 9, 2024

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Winston Churchill

ΓΕΝΟΚΤΟΝΙΕΣ – Οι “Νυρεμβέργες” που δεν έγιναν ποτέ!

Γενοκτονίες, σφαγές, βιασμοί, καταστροφή πολιτιστικών  θησαυρών. Τοποθετήσεις παγκόσμιων προσωπικοτήτων: Victor Hugo, William Gladstone, F.M. Dostoevsky, Georges Clemenceau, Winston Churchill. Γράφει ο Νικόλαος Λ. Μωραΐτης, Ph.D. Δεν υπάρχουν αρκετά δυνατές...

Oxi Day Was a Pivotal Event for Greece, Greek Americans and the World That Changed the Path of World War II

By David Bjorkgren, Senior Editor SPECIAL TO THE HELLENIC NEWS OF AMERICA   Oxi Day begins with one Greek man’s answer to an ultimatum. But its impact reaches...

The Society of Epirotes “Anagenesis” and the Ladies’ Auxiliary “Souliotisses and Heritage Museum Celebrate Unique Events

By:  Catherine Tsounis, Special             “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” — Thomas Jefferson,...

Dear Troika: It Is Crucial That You Tailor Your Decision

  Dear Troika: It Is Crucial That You Tailor Your Decision Dear Troika*, The most consequential decision of your careers could be the pending economic assistance agreement...

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